So, it’s true, I don’t have 5 million followers on Instagram or YouTube...Some have that privilege but not me. I’m not an influencer on social media, and what is more, even among the social circles accessible to me, I get rejected and laughed at. So what can be said about this? The truth is that when someone finds themselves in this lowly position, they need to fool themselves into believing that their works are successful. For example. A person needs to change his KPIs if he’s only getting zero, or one, or two thumbs up on his YouTube videos. A better idea would be for him to look at “impressions”. People don’t talk much about “impressions” but it is an extremely important metric in data analytics.
So everyone knows what “one thousand views” means on YouTube, but what does it mean when someone gets “one hundred thousand impressions”? Well, an impression is when someone is scrolling on YouTube, and then while they are scrolling, the person in question’s thumbnail appears and the thumbnail, the video title, the date, and the number of views are seen by the audience, but they do not click on the thumbnail and simply continue scrolling.
See, that wasn’t too complicated... But the point is, something that I personally learned in my studies and in my personal experiences developing content, was that if I am only getting one, or two thumbs up on a video, and maybe a total of 15 views, that is not going to be a sustainable KPI to follow. Rather, I realized that if I did a bit of digging on my YouTube Video Analytics page, and scroll to the bottom, there I will find the “Impressions Per Video” metric. Once you’re there, you will see that a video with 15 views could easily get 1500 impressions. 1500. That is 100 times larger than the number 15. How refreshing to know that you are actually reaching people that you had no idea about when just looking at your meager “15 views”.
So folks, we’ve been here before but the reality is that it’s all about mental attitude, or, mindset. The power of the mind has been researched by many leading psychologists like Harvard's Dr. Ellen Langer (you can see her full interview on Huberman Lab Podcast). So in conclusion, let’s do a little exercise. Take a piece of paper and in the middle draw a little circle, put a smiling face, and beneath, write “Hi, My Name is _______” And I want each of us to draw connecting lines to maybe five or six thought bubbles, and, since this is a blog about art, let’s write five or six connected thought bubbles mentioning something we did right so far this year in 2025. Yes, it’s true, me too, I do things wrong sometimes. But try to think positive. The purpose isn’t to puff ourselves up, it’s just a meditation prompt where we contemplate ourselves and our efforts. We want to be motivated and courageous.
So, finally, have a good afternoon, if you are in Canada, it is extremely cold mostly all over the country right now. So, make sure to dress warm, and try to get outside nonetheless, because it’s good for the sinuses.
Take care folks,
Mitch Murray from